
App Installer Script

The App Installer Script is a powerful and user-friendly tool designed to streamline the management of applications across multiple Linux distributions. It supports installation, uninstallation, and repository management for the following package managers:

  1. Apt (Debian-based distros like Ubuntu, Linux Mint):
    • Install or remove applications using apt-get or apt.
    • Manage repositories by adding or removing PPAs with ease.
  2. DNF (Fedora-based distros like Fedora, RHEL):
    • Install or remove applications using dnf.
    • Enable or disable repositories directly from the script.
  3. Pacman (Arch-based distros like Arch Linux, Manjaro):
    • Install or remove packages using pacman.
    • Add or remove custom repositories by editing pacman.conf interactively.
  4. Flatpak (Universal package manager):
    • Search for applications and install them with a simple command.
    • Manage Flatpak repositories like Flathub to add or remove sources.

Key Features:

Why Use This Script?

This script eliminates the need to remember complex package manager commands or configurations. It provides a unified interface for managing software, making it ideal for users who work across multiple Linux environments or are new to Linux package management.

Future Updates:

This script is perfect for Linux enthusiasts, system administrators, and anyone looking to simplify their app management workflow!

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